Saturday, 25 March 2017

Tricks for Combatting Procrastination | Tim Ferriss

Procrastination can be a major barrier to making much needed change in our lives. 

Some wise words here from Tim Ferriss... What do you think?

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Do Something!

An inspirational message... starts out business focussed but certainly applicable to us all... make every morning count in the journey to thrive!

Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Divorced Lifestyle Design Philosophy

A little more on the Divorced Lifestyle Design philosophy, why we believe we can help you, and why we want to as well!

How can we help you?

Find more videos like this one over at the Divorced Lifestyle Design YouTube Channel!

Monday, 13 March 2017

Britain has highest divorce rate in EU

Britain has the highest divorce rate in the European Union, a survey reveals today.
The number of divorces throughout the EU is on the increase, with an average of 1.8 divorces for every 1,000 people.

But in Britain and in Finland the rate is 2.8 divorces per 1,000, compared with just 0.6 per 1,000 in Luxembourg.

But while the divorce rate slightly increased during the 1990s, the rate of births outside marriage has risen sharply - more than one child in four was born outside marriage in the EU in 1999, compared with fewer than one in five in 1989.

The figures vary widely between member states - ranging from just 4% of births being outside marriage in Greece to 55% in Sweden. Britain is well above the 26% EU average, at 38.8%.

The 500-page survey, compiled by the EU's Eurostat statistical office in Luxembourg, reveals that total health spending by governments in the EU is on average less than half the rate in America - and the rate in Britain lower than anywhere in the EU apart from Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece.

Expressed in terms of Purchasing Power Standards (PPS) the figures put the EU average health expenditure per head of population at PPS 1,768, compared with a national low of PPS 1,167 in Greece and a high of PPS 2,424 in Germany. The UK stands at PPS 1,461, with America recording PPS 2,794.

The survey shows that in 1999 Britain boasted 40.4% mobile phone ownership - the number of mobile phone subscribers per 100 inhabitants - compared with only 9.8% in 1995.
The EU's highest mobile phone coverage is in Finland, at 66.8% but is only 28.6% in Germany. In America the figure is 31.7%, with 45% mobile phone ownership in Japan.


Saturday, 11 March 2017

9 Ways to Actually Adopt the Better Habits You Know Will Help You Succeed

Every year, we set goals for ourselves, often called resolutions. What we actually envision is a brighter future, brought about by the desired change in our daily routine or habits. You may want to lose weight, increase your client base or stop smoking. This means you have to alter an existing behavior and insert a new one in its place.

Change is always difficult, but it can be done, with a little bit of willpower. Try these simple steps to get you on track to better habits.

1. Decide what is important and why.

What is your motivation for wanting to develop a new habit? Will it improve your life? Envision the outcome if you don’t make the change. Then decide how you are going to make the change. If you want more clients, make more contacts; if you want to get more done in the day, get up an hour earlier; if you want to be healthier, instill an exercise regimen into the daily routine. Set a goal and then give yourself a timeline to complete it.

2. Make the habit reasonable.

If a new habit is too difficult to maintain, mostly likely it will fall by the wayside. Choose a realistic new habit that you desire and know you can accomplish. Start small, like cutting back on the number of cups of coffee you drink each day, or making one lunch date a week with a potential referral source.

3. Choose one habit at a time.

Trying to change several habits at once is too much for anyone. Instead, concentrate on one behavioral change until it becomes routine, then add a second one. If you’re overwhelmed by too many changes, you most likely won’t accomplish any of them.

4. Give yourself time.

It takes time to change a habit. According to a study by University College London health psychology professor Phillippa Lally, it takes more than two months, or 66 days, for a new habit to take hold.

5. Don’t expect perfection.

You’re bound to slip up one or more times as you work your way towards your new behavior. Be patient with yourself and accept the slip. Then recommit to the new habit.

6. Engage others.

Being held accountable for a new behavior is a solid way to reinforce the behavior. Tell others what you’re trying to do, and let them help if they offer. Don’t get angry if they remind you of your goal now and again. This may be just what you need to stay on track. You may even motivate them to make some goals too.

7. Be consistent.

Consistency is the key to establishing a new habit. Do the same thing day after day to set it firmly in your mind and routine. If possible, set a schedule for the new behavior, and stick to it. Be accountable, either by tracking the new habit on a chart or interfacing with others.

8. Replace a bad habit with a good one.

To ditch a bad habit, try replacing it with a better one. If your desk features a candy jar, replace the contents with healthy snacks, like nuts. Or if you like to stay up late watching TV, read in bed instead.

9. Build in a reward.

Set a standard of behavior and offer yourself a reward at the end of 30 or 60 days. But make sure the reward does not include the old behavior. For example, don’t celebrate with a big meal if your new habit it eating less at lunchtime.
Stick with your goal and you’ll accomplish the changes you desire. In the words of American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn, “Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”

Thursday, 9 March 2017

7 Tips for Replacing Bad Habits with Positive Habits

How to create a happy life by implementing "The Slight Edge" philosophy

Whether it’s smoking cigarettes, being late, drinking soft drinks, blaming others or biting our nails, we all have personal and professional bad habits that we would like to break. As much as we despise our bad habits, it can be challenging to make these habits things of the past. So, what is the solution? I have found the best way to erase a bad habit is to replace it with a positive habit.

First, think of our habits as a cycle. A habit is something you do without thinking. And, there are two kinds of habits: Those that serve you and those that do not serve you. Brushing your teeth is a habit that serves you; biting your nails is one that doesn’t. Thinking things through for yourself serves you; blindly accepting everything you read online or hear through the gossip grapevine doesn’t serve you. Be aware of your philosophy, which creates your attitude, which creates your actions, which creates your results, which create your life. A positive philosophy turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turns into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle. The small decisions are easy, and when you add them up, they can have an enormous effect on your life. This cycle is hard to maintain, but I go into more depth in my book, The Slight Edge
The cycle to create positive habits can be accomplished through these seven powerful actions:

1. Show up. 

If you’ll just commit to showing up, that’s half the battle right there. By simply showing up you can rise above half of the population in any circumstance.

2. Show up consistently. 

Keep showing up when others fade out. According to Woody Allen, 80 percent of success is showing up. That’s a philosophy I subscribe to wholeheartedly -- but I would add two words: 80 percent of success is showing up every day. As essential as it is to show up, it is consistency that greatly multiplies its power. Showing up consistently is where the magic happens.

3. Cultivate a positive outlook. 

See the glass as overflowing. There are days when I wake up and I’m in a funk. I might not even know why, but life feels heavy and depressing, and I just don’t want to get out of the funk. When this happens, the first thing I do is take inventory of my blessings. According to positive psychologists, a habit of gratitude is one of the most common traits in consistently happier people. 

4. Be committed for the long haul. 

You’ve probably seen those weight loss and workout programs that promise to change your life and create “a better you” in 90 days. I’m not saying that you don’t get results, but here is the problem with a 90-day program: It doesn’t give you enough time to build up a new belief level in yourself that you can continue once the 90 days are over. Instead, think of farmers. They know they have to wait a full season to reap their harvests. In our post-industrial world, where so much of everyday life is accessible through the click of a mouse, it’s easier than ever to forget that.

5. Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith, not hoping or wishing, but knowing. 

A burning desire backed by faith simply means deeply, passionately wanting to get somewhere and knowing -- not hoping, not wishing, but knowing -- you’re going to get there. In other words, there has to be congruence between your desire and your faith.

6. Be willing to pay the price. 

Whatever the dream or goal, there is a price you’ll need to pay. Sometimes that means giving something up. It may be something as simple as giving up a type of junk food you’re attached to, for the sake of your health, or something as subtle as giving up your right to be right, or your habit of exerting control over conversations for the sake of a relationship.

7. Do the things you’ve committed to doing, even when no one else is watching.

I have found the best way to erase a bad habit is to replace it with a positive mental or physical habit. So, the next time you find yourself wanting to partake in that same bad habit remember you can change your negative habit into a positive one and the result will be a happier life for you and those around you.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Stop Playing Victim and Thrive After Divorce

The Victim Mode

During and after a divorce many women fall prey into the victim mode. While in victim mode a woman will not be able to thrive after divorce. Many women do not even realize that they are doing this and do not see how much harm they are causing themselves. By continuing to play victim, the woman is telling the world to treat her as such.

By continuing to play victim you are dis-empowering yourself to create the type of life that you crave. Unknowingly, you are continuing to attract more of what you don’t want. Once you begin to empower yourself by concentrating on creating a better life, you will begin to thrive after divorce.

Every marriage and divorce has a story. When people hear that you are divorcing they begin to tell you all kinds of horror stories and will want to hear all the juicy details of what happened to you. Being a good storyteller, you go into drama mode and begin retelling all of the nasty things that ex said or did. Soon you realize that you have an audience ready and willing to listen to everything.

You may enjoy the attention you are getting and feel justified in your rage. The more you tell your story of how he did you wrong, the more of a victim you are making yourself out to be. People feel sorry for you. Subconsciously, you are looking to others for guidance, empathy, support and your self-worth.

Regardless of what your ex did – even to the extreme of severe physical violence – you are allowing him to control your current reality by continually living in the past as you tell your story over and over again. For help in getting over domestic violence, contact your local domestic violence center to get professional help. If your story involves your ex cheating on you or just up and leaving, speak to a select few including a divorce coach or therapist.

Ask yourself what is the cost of remaining a victim. Do you want people to perceive you as needy and clingy? Do you want to live your life as a bitter and angry person? You do have the power right now to change your life and to create a life that is full of peace and happiness. You REALLY can THRIVE after divorce! Which life are you choosing?

Consider the costs of remaining a victim. Do you want to live your life as a bitter and angry person? Is that how you ant to be seen? If you have children, is victim-hood what you want them to model? How to you want to be seen? Do you realize that as a victim you have no power to change your life? Remaining a victim is a very bleak picture.

3 Steps to Thrive after Divorce

1. Take responsibility for your life. It may be easy to blame everything on your ex or on other circumstances. It is important for you to take stock and see where you made mistakes in your marriage. No one is perfect. Maybe you began taking your ex for granted, disrespected or embarrassed him. Take responsibility for your part in the divorce – regardless how small of a part you believe you played. Be responsible for how you are living your life today, and you will begin to thrive after divorce. Take responsibility for what is happening right now, your finances, your social life, your children, your attitude and the every word that comes out of your mouth!

2. Forgive your ex. Your first inclination might be there is no way I can ever forgive him for the way he made me feel – or for what he did to me. Forgiving a person does not mean you condone what they did. It is simply a promise to yourself to not allow their actions to continue to destroy and control you. It allows you to thrive after divorce. Do you think that he really cares if you forgive him or not? Whom is your resentment and anger hurting? It is hurting you. Love yourself enough to forgive him for being a jerk and get on with your life.

3. Do something that makes you feel amazing. Ideas include taking an arts and crafts class, learning a new skill or sport, taking a cruise, reading a good book or volunteering at a hospital or local charity. If you have children at home, do something that you can enjoy together. Talk with them and let them help you decide what to do such as going to sporting events, on a picnic or a drive through the country. To thrive after divorce means to try new things and choosing to be happy in your life as you create the life of your dreams.


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Lessons I Have Learned Post Divorce

Today I am reflecting on some of the lessons I have learned during and post divorce.

Happiness is a choice
This may seem obvious to some of you, but when you are caught up in a continual cycle of drama you may not be able to see that removing yourself from a negative situation is your choice. I have learned to remove myself from negative people and negative situations that don’t have a positive impact on my life. In nearly all situations I ask myself “does this make me happy?” or “do I feel good about this?” if the answer is “No” then it’s not something I pursue. You can use the ‘joy or annoy’ method! Bin the things, situations and people that annoy, keep the ones that bring you joy.
Forgiveness is required to move forward
Right now this may seem impossible for you and admittedly I still find it hard to fully forgive my ex and his (now) wife for turning my world upside-down and putting me in a very difficult situation. Not only did their actions affect me emotionally and mentally, being coerced in to bankruptcy and denied rights to an equal divorce has continued to affect my life and financial situation for nearly 5 years. 
However, I am reminded of the quote “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die“ ~ Buddha. I must accept that I will never receive an apology for what they put me through and that by holding on to resentment, the only person getting hurt is me! 
The UK legal system is flawed
Maybe I didn’t select the right representation or maybe I was just a small fish in a big pond. If my solicitor had told me right from the start that I would get nothing from my ex due to my bankruptcy then I NEVER would have pursued him to pay my mum back what she was owed from the house. If I had known that he would come after my business/livelihood and that legally he was entitled to, I would have taken steps to protect it and myself. All in all it was a costly and emotionally damaging exercise where he kept everything and my mum only received a fraction of what she was due. I received nothing and still owe my dad for the cost of the divorce. If I could turn back the clock, my choice of solicitor and route to divorce would be completely different. My advice would be; do some research, select the right route to divorce for you and if going down the route of using a solicitor, choose someone you feel comfortable with.
Psychopaths exist outside of the movies
I have dated a psychopath, post divorce, and believe I may also have married one. I believe no decent human being would act in a malicious manner to intentionally hurt a vulnerable person.
It’s ok to ask for help
I fought for ages about seeking professional help. My defense was “I’m fine!”. On reflection, the early days of the split were when I needed help the most, over 4 years on I believe that this lack of professional help in the early stages has impacted on how I deal with my emotions now. Go get help and don’t be embarrassed about it!
Stress is a choice, depression is not
I choose to be self-employed, therefore I can choose whether to be stressed about work, deadlines or life in general. It is in my power to keep stress at a minimum level. For years I thought I thrived in stressful situations, procrastinating on projects and leaving it to the last minute to meet the deadline as working under pressure produced the best results... or so I thought! Having tried to lose weight for over 4 years and consistently putting it on, I am beginning to understand (and be educated on) the impact of stress on the body. Having been diagnosed with depression and ignoring this diagnosis I am now bigger than I have ever been, EVEN THOUGH I eat well and have 3 personal training sessions a week and complete my step goal each day. I have drastically changed some habits to reduce my stress levels and I am working on others. I may just have to succumb to the idea that all though mentally I feel ‘fine’, my body is telling me that I am depressed.
Acceptance is key
In order to move forward you must accept what has happened and learn to find peace with it. Some people may say ‘things happen for a reason’. I used to HATE it when people threw this cliché at me, but now I find myself saying it to others in times of emotional turmoil. I have accepted the role I played in the end of my marriage and have accepted that in order to have a happy life I must follow my own advice and forgive those who have caused me hurt.
Money isn’t everything
Going through bankruptcy alone and living off a small wage was a lesson I would never have wanted to learn in a million years! I was a high flyer in marketing, loved shopping and home-making... But shit happens and I dealt with it, day by day. I am still tarnished with the ‘bankruptcy brush’ as I can’t get a mortgage or write a cheque or get a credit card, but it has taught me that the important thing in life is not how much money is in the bank but how much love there is around you. My family, friends, pets and my home are among the MOST important things to me and I am truly grateful to have them in my life.
Choose your friends wisely
I learned very early on after my split that there are some friends who will be there no matter what, they’ll give you the truth even if it hurts because they care - hold on to them and don’t let them go, and there are some friends who stick around because they a) feel guilty b) are nosey c) love drama & gossip - avoid these at all costs! Delete them from social media, no need to be nasty or cause further drama, just be aware of who in your life makes a positive impact and who doesn’t.
Finally - Embrace change and all the lessons life throws at you!

Monday, 6 March 2017

From Surviving to Thriving

Days after my tsunami divorce, my mom turned to me and told me I would survive.
I actually got angry and responded rather strongly, “No, I will not survive. I will thrive. To do anything less is to remain his victim.”
I saw surviving as the bare minimum, the mere intake of breath and food in order to go through the motions of life. I refused to settle for that. I wanted more. It felt insurmountable, yet the vision and hope remained intact.
Inspired by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, these goals can serve to help you navigate the challenging path after divorce and take you from merely surviving to thriving.
The first tier of goals are about your literal survival. In the beginning, it is enough to simply focus on your next breath. And then the one after that. The goal is to keep you alive and functioning. These physical needs must be addressed first before any further progress can be made.
The first priority is your immediate physical safety. If you have been a victim of domestic violence or if you have concerns that your ex may become violent, seek help. The National Domestic Abuse Hotline can help point you to resources in your area. If abuse has not occurred, but you have concerns, contact your local police department. In my case, they graciously offered to do periodic drive-bys during the first few scary weeks. 
Once your immediate safety has been secured, it is time to figure out your short-term or long-term housing. Consider all of your options carefully and make the choice that feels best for your (and your children’s) long term health and happiness. I knew I could not stay in the marital home due to financial and emotional reasons. I also knew that I was not ready to live alone; it would have been too isolating. I was fortunate to have a friend and her family offer their guest bedroom to me for the first year. It wasn’t ideal, but it was perfect.
Post-divorce, people tend to fall into one of two camps when it comes to food. Some overindulge, using food as a way to soothe and self-medicate. Others lose all appetite and avoid food altogether. Neither approach is healthy physically or emotionally. Think of the food you eat as your basic input. You can’t expect a quality output when you put in garbage or nothing at all. In those early days and weeks when people ask how they can help, ask for a healthy meal. It just might be the fuel you need to see it through.
Something about loss makes the nights seem endless, hours stretching further than any clock can convey. This is only amplified when you cannot sleep. I spent many nights sitting on the edge of my bed, legs shaking, tears pouring down my swollen face. Many nights where I arose never having slept. In the best of times, lack of sleep makes the smallest task overwhelming. During divorce? It makes it impossible. I resisted medication for weeks and then gave in when it became apparent that my body wouldn’t turn off on its own. Sleep is a priority. If it doesn’t happen naturally, seek medical help.
This is where your basic emotional needs are met. These goals take you out of survival mode and remind you what it feels like to be alive.
When you face loss, the chest has a tendency to tighten, bound by a corset of grief. The breath becomes shallow as struggle to hold on to anything, even the air held deep in your chest. Consciously work to invite the breath back into the body. I found yoga immensely helpful in teaching my body to breathe again, welcoming life back in to the body and mind.
Whether you were an avid exerciser before your divorce or you have always preferred the sedentary life, movement in some form is a key element in healing. Exercise reduces anxiety and depression, increases energy and builds confidence even as it builds muscle. It is a reminder of what it feels like to be fully alive, moving with energy and intention.
Humans are social creatures; we have evolved to touch and be touched. Friendly contact increases oxytocin, reduces cortisol and lowers anxiety. After divorce, it’s common to be touch-deficient at a time when you need its benefits the most. One of the ways I met this need after my split was to prioritize monthly massage sessions. It was a safe way that I could receive touch without the expectancy of reciprocity. Those precious hours on that table helped to rebuild my sense of self and stability. 
One of my favorite pictures of myself is one where my now-husband then-boyfriend captured me in the middle of a huge, belly-shaking laugh. That was the first instance where I truly felt alive again after my ex left. The first moment where nothing mattered except that for that single moment. Laughter is the sound of life. And practice makes perfect. Find opportunities to smile and embrace them. You may feel like you’re faking it for a while. That’s okay. One day, that smile will be real and unclouded by the past.
Once you’ve reentered life and mastered the basics of surviving, it’s time for the advanced curriculum. These goals are the instruments that can elevate you to a new level of happiness and fulfillment. 
Divorce has a way of shrinking your world, pulling back on the strings that connect you to others. The first step in thriving is to grow your world again. Open your arms. Tear down your barriers. Be vulnerable. Allow yourself to love and be loved. I know for me this was the scariest step. Connection means forming new bonds that can be broken. And I remembered that pain all too well. Yet I wasn’t going to let the fear of heartbreak keep me in chains of my own making.
In my mind, thriving has always been linked with passion. It’s approaching life head-on with unbridled enthusiasm and spirit. It’s those moments and interests that pull you under and sweep you away. You can rekindle a former passion that you have let fall by the wayside or you can create a new one. In my former life, gardening was my passion; I would get lost in the palate of my plantings. My new life called for something new and I now paint with words rather than flowers. 
Divorce is the destruction of a marriage and what better way to counter that force that with that of creation. Everyone I encounter who is thriving after divorce works at creating beauty in the world. Some are artistic, creating portraits in pastels or words. Others seek to create havens for others to feel safe and secure. Some strive to change the divorce process, wanting to create a better experience for those who encounter the courts. And many strive to create the best life possible for their children. Regardless of your medium, let the tear-down of your marriage become the foundation for something new.
The benefits of service are threefold: it reinforces your own gratitude, it helps you find peace with your past and it benefits others, spreading positive energy and interaction. Service can take many forms depending upon your gifts and strengths. Find a way to give back that is meaningful to you and helpful for others. There is no better way to feel fully alive than to help others live their best lives.
The road from survival to thriving isn’t a straight one. Some days you will experience great progress only to be pulled back to first step again. But the twists and turns become easier to navigate as you become familiar with the path. 
And before you know it, you’ll spy a sign:
Welcome to The Thriver’s Club. 
A place to celebrate life after loss.
A place to share our joys and triumphs.
A place to bring hope to those still trying to find their way.
In order to be a member, all you have to do is share one example of how you have been able to thrive after divorce.
It can small or grand. A sign of truly moving on or as fleeting as a moment where the sun broke through the clouds.
Don’t be shy; smiles are meant to be shared not hidden away.

7 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Gratitude That Will Motivate You To Give Thanks Year-Round

It’s that time of year where many people begin thinking about everything they have to be thankful for. Although it’s nice to count your blessings on Thanksgiving, being thankful throughout the year could have tremendous benefits on your quality of life.

In fact, gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t cost any money and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits are enormous. Research reveals gratitude can have these seven benefits:

1. Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. Not only does saying “thank you” constitute good manners, but showing appreciation can help you win new friends, according to a 2104 study published in Emotion. The study found that thanking a new acquaintance makes them more likely to seek an ongoing relationship. So whether you thank a stranger for holding the door or you send a quick thank-you note to that co-worker who helped you with a project, acknowledging other people’s contributions can lead to new opportunities.

2. Gratitude improves physical health. Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and they report feeling healthier than other people, according to a 2012 study published in Personality and Individual Differences. Not surprisingly, grateful people are also more likely to take care of their health.  They exercise more often and are more likely to attend regular check-ups with their doctors, which is likely to contribute to further longevity.

3. Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a leading gratitude researcher, has conducted multiple studies on the link between gratitude and well-being. His research confirms that gratitude effectively increases happiness and reduces depression.

4. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. Grateful people are more likely to behave in a prosocial manner, even when others behave less kind, according to a 2012 study by the University of Kentucky. Study participants who ranked higher on gratitude scales were less likely to retaliate against others, even when given negative feedback. They experienced more sensitivity and empathy toward other people and a decreased desire to seek revenge.

5. Grateful people sleep better. Writing in a gratitude journal improves sleep, according to a 2011 study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Spend just 15 minutes jotting down a few grateful sentiments before bed, and you may sleep better and longer.

6. Gratitude improves self-esteem. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude increased athlete’s self-esteem, which is an essential component to optimal performance. Other studies have shown that gratitude reduces social comparisons. Rather than becoming resentful toward people who have more money or better jobs – which is a major factor in reduced self-esteem- grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments.

7. Gratitude increases mental strength. For years, research has shown gratitude not only reduces stress, but it may also play a major role in overcoming trauma.  A 2006 study published in Behavior Research and Therapy found that Vietnam War Veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  A 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that gratitude was a major contributor to resilience following the terrorist attacks on September 11.  Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the worst times of your life – fosters resilience.

We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have – rather than complain about all the things you think you deserve.  Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.

Want to Thrive after Divorce?

Life Coaching: After the Split, 6 Principles to Move Foward in your New Life


After going through her own divorce, Carolyn Ellis, Ph.D., studied coaching with Debbie Ford, the New York Times bestselling author of “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers'” and “Spiritual Divorce.” Today, Ellis is a certified spiritual divorce coach. Ellis has developed success strategies she calls THRIVE. Practicing these six principles provides a way to move from merely surviving a divorce to thriving in your new life. Here are her six principles for thriving:
T – Trust.
OK. Right now life sucks. Embrace the suckage. Everything happens for a reason.
H – Honesty.
Get real with the grief. Develop a strategy for getting help with the loneliness. “Often parents keep a stiff upper lip and hold their grief in because they don’t want their children to see them upset,” Ellis said. “Modeling healthy ways to process your grief gives your children permission to feel their own pain.”
R – Responsibility.
You are in the driver’s seat and 100 percent responsible for your life, past, present and future. You are not a victim. You had some part in choosing what has happened. That means you get to chose where you go from here.
I – Integrity.
Don’t be thinking or saying one thing while doing another because every time you make a commitment to yourself and don’t follow through, you destroy your ability to trust yourself. Remember: your words are powerful. They must be in alignment with your actions, otherwise, you’re going to attract the wrong kind of people.
V – Vision.
While staying in a marriage is about honoring choices you made based on the person you were years ago, divorce gives you an opportunity to create a direction based on who you are today. So, create a bold vision and reach for what you really want.
E – Express.
This is a step is about learning to process all your emotions in healthy ways. Learning how to move emotions through you is important for your physical and emotional health. “Emotions are just energy in motion,” Ellis says. For example, on a day when life is really getting you down, Ellis suggests one way to model healthy expression for your children is by speaking truthfully and asking for something that will help you feel better. For example, “Mommy is feeling really sad right now. What I need is a five-minute tickle fight.” After all, laughter is the best medicine and there’s nothing like a raucous tickle time with kids to remind you of what’s really important.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Divorced Lifestyle Design- An Introduction

An introduction to Divorced Lifestyle Design, what we are, where we've come from and how we want to help you!

Find more videos like this one over at the Divorced Lifestyle Design YouTube Channel!