Thursday, 8 February 2018

"Apartners:" The New Happy Divorce

On a recent Sunday morning, 10-year-old Kaia woke up in the mood for crepes, something her mom, Alison, makes like a pro. So Alison whipped up the egg batter while Kaia's dad, Wes, pulled out the frying pans. Big brothers Oliver and Noah sliced strawberries and tracked down whipped cream. "The kids love when we do family breakfasts," says Alison, 42. "On the weekends, we form an assembly line so everyone can pick their toppings." The kitchen of their Minnesota home is large and comfy. On the wall is a calendar that tracks soccer practices and doctors' appointments. Tacked up next to it is another schedule, one with alternating weeks labeled "Mom" and "Dad." It's a custody chart.

To say that Alison and Wes are still close seven years post-divorce is a laughable understatement. In 2010, they scrapped their separate living arrangements and moved back in together with their children, Noah, 15, Oliver, 13, and Kaia. The whole brood now shares a rambling old Victorian that Wes, 43, a carpenter, gut-renovated to accommodate everyone--including Alison's partner of five years, Shari. The parents say the screenplay-worthy move came after seeing the tailspin effect their split had on the kids. "They never seemed to find a peaceful place, moving back and forth between our two houses and keeping up with two sets of stuff and two sets of friends," says Alison.

This type of living situation, in which exes share or rotate through a single home that their children stay in full-time, is called "nesting." As kooky as it may sound, Margaret Klaw, a Philadelphia divorce attorney who's been in practice for 25 years, says it's on the rise: "I wouldn't have seen this even 10 years ago, but now more couples try it, sometimes just for a year or two during transition." Rob Crane, M.D., an associate professor of family medicine at Ohio State University who nested with his ex and their daughter, explains the motivation: "Allowing kids to stay put in their house instead of uprooting them every couple days can minimize the psychological injury of divorce and give a sense of normalcy at home." His arrangement attracted so much interest from friends and strangers that Crane started a website,, where those considering it can get more info.

Nesting is obviously not an option for everyone; it could prove disastrous in a split that involves violence, for example. But it's one of the many new ways that exes with children are becoming better and happier "apartners." Exes who are not only amicable but loving are part of a divorce revolution, along with mediation and collaborative divorce (in which both parties hire lawyers but agree to keep it out of court). "It's the beginning of a nationwide change of thought that divorce has to be a confrontational thing," says Richard Kulerski, a Chicago-based lawyer who now specializes in friendlier tactics after 40 years on the battlefield of divorce.

Even in these happier splits, tensions are high at first. Alison, who now teaches co-parenting classes with Wes at a local community center, says, "When Wes and I first broke up, we couldn't be in the same room without our mediator. Gradually, we found a way to relate by focusing on what was best for our children." Their setup isn't without its critics, who tell Alison that she's "messing up" her kids. She says divorce equals hatred to these people because that's all they've ever seen. "It only takes one parent--even if the other is out there getting a restraining order--to say they're willing to work together. Rarely do partners get to that point at the same time, so you have to be patient."

The key moment for Wes, whose own parents divorced when he was young, was the Sunday evening when he asked Kaia how the weekend had gone with her mom. "It was clear she had done something fun with Alison and someone she was dating. I could tell she was pulled apart, not knowing if she should tell me," he recalls. "Finally, she let it out. That's when I realized I had a choice: to close off, or say, 'Oh, that's awesome!' And that's what I did. I couldn't stay tied up in despising Alison anymore. After I let go, living together didn't seem so crazy."

When Alison and Wes first brought up the idea of moving back into one home, their children worried that they would fight as often as they did during the death throes of their 10-year marriage. Alison admits they still know how to push each other's buttons, but now they make a real effort to acknowledge when they slip up and criticize each other unfairly--as they do from time to time, being human and all. "We're not avoiding conflict; instead, we're dealing with it differently," she says. Their son Noah says the turnaround in his parents' relationship borders on miraculous: "It's hard to believe. Almost right away I noticed that the fighting had died down. It seemed like heaven."

The new communal custody

Making things easier on the kids is, of course, the most powerful incentive for ex-spouses to keep turbulence to a minimum. Numerous studies have shown that having combative parents increases children's emotional volatility and aggressiveness. The general rule in the mental health field, says John W. Jacobs, M.D., a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at New York University, is that the worse the conflict between parents--whether they are married or divorced--the more difficult it will be for their children to form close relationships later in life. To protect their kids from this potentially nasty fallout, some exes are working hard, if not harder, at their relationship after the marriage is over.

Linda Kietzer, 50, got divorced 11 years ago and now lives only a half mile from her ex, Jonathan, whom she meets frequently for dinner to catch up on their two children's lives. Yet she says she still runs into people who expect her to bad-mouth him, because they just can't picture a split that is anything less than bitter. "We're fiercely loyal to each other," she says. "I shut down any negativity immediately." Milwaukee-based family therapist Holly Hughes Stoner says she's seeing more couples like Linda and Jonathan, who are really trying to find some common ground. "The more parents can say, 'We're still a united front'--with a lot of focus on the we--the better," she says.

"This idea of a dad pulling up in a woodie station wagon to take the kids every other weekend while the mom can't even look at him is really not what I'm experiencing as my reality," says Magda Pecsenye, 39, who with her ex-husband, Doug French, created the candid divorce blog When the Flames Go Up. Magda and Doug aren't the first exes to blog about divorce, but doing it together? That's what made them such a novelty when they popped up in the blogosphere in 2010. One of the things their readers appreciate most, says Doug, 46, is that they write so honestly about the challenges of true 50-50 custody. After coming across a sweet note that Magda had slipped into their 9-year-old's math textbook, Doug posted: "As it turns out, you can...create something that is, though not ideal, eminently livable: the situation when you're glad she's no longer your wife, but you're also glad she'll always be [your kids'] mom."

The Huffington Post picked up on this new, open conversation and in 2010 launched an entire section devoted to working through divorce. "Obviously people don't get divorced because they're happy with each other. Nobody is saying this is easy," says the site's founder, Arianna Huffington, whose marriage to former California congressman Michael Huffington ended in the late '90s. In the years just after their breakup, it took "real effort," Arianna says, for them to meet face-to-face, but she knew how important it was to her two daughters that she and her ex-husband come together without seismic eruptions of animosity. Now the exes take regular family vacations. "The pleasure of being with our children and seeing them happy became more important than hanging on to our own grudges," she says.

Pushing the boundaries

Fifteen years ago there were few alternatives to filing papers, says Kulerski, the collaborative divorce attorney. Mediation is an increasingly popular, less abrasive--and less expensive--option. "A divorce that goes to court can cost more than $25,000," he says. "People are fed up with spending more on their divorces than they did on their weddings." Kenny Smith and Geri Donenberg chose mediation when they split, saying it was better financially and emotionally. "There wasn't a lot of bitterness, but there was a considerable amount of pain and guilt," recalls Geri, who says that her frequent work trips caused conflict at home. At the suggestion of the mediator overseeing their divorce, she and Kenny sat down to write letters to each of their children--Emilia, now 13, and Sean, now 18--describing the lives they'd like their children to have in 10 years. "My daughter asked, 'Will we still do things as a family?' And in my letter to her, I promised her we always would," Geri says.

They kept that promise with joint outings to Sean's track meets and annual Hanukkah celebrations at Geri's. Last fall, Kenny and the kids joined Geri and her new husband (also named Kenny, which makes them all laugh) on a trip to Los Angeles for a nephew's bar mitzvah. "This was the first time we'd traveled together since we split," says Kenny. "I can't call Geri's husband and me close, but, you know, I really like him." Kenny says the trip solidified for him that he and his ex had done the right thing. "When Geri and I were withering in couples therapy, we knew it would be better for the kids if we met other people who made us happier," he says now, choking back tears. "It was an insanely hard decision, but it worked--the kids have two happy homes."

An alliance between an ex and the new partner was once the stuff of Desperate Housewives plots; now it's a common factor in many real-life splits. In fact, Amy Elliott, 38, considers Candie, her ex's new wife, a friend and almost a second mom to her daughter, Amani. For Amani's sweet 16 last year, Amy and Candie, 35, took Amani and four of her friends to St. Louis for a weekend celebration, with the mom and stepmom sharing one room while the girls crashed in another. Amani, who calls both Amy and Candie "Mom," says the trip was "the greatest ever. Some of my friends with divorced parents say, 'You're really lucky to have that. I wish my family got along that well.' And it's true--I am lucky. My mom and dad were friends first, and they're friends now."

Amani sounds truly content, doesn't she? In the end, finding an outcome that's best for the kids is what Thellen Levy, a San Francisco--based attorney who's been in practice for 33 years, wants for all her clients. "Having been in the litigation trenches, I used to get sick to my stomach representing clients who were making horribly devastating decisions that would affect their kids," says Levy, who now works only with exes willing to stay out of court. 
"There were no winners, just losers. But when divorcing couples have the right kind of support, they can put their kids at the center of all this--without putting them in the middle."
"Nobody is saying divorce is easy, but seeing our children happy became more important than hanging on to our own grudges."


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