Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Mum shares intimate post about ex-husband's new wife

A US mother has shared a post to Facebook saying that her daughter calls her step-mother mummy and she's good with that.

Hayley Booth, 26, of Oklahoma, shared the post in which she thanked her ex-husband's new wife for caring for her daughter so beautifully and revealing that her daughter also calls her Mummy. She went on to say that this was just fine with her.

"My daughter calls her bonus mommy 'Mommy'.. and you know what? That's okay, because that's what she is to her, she IS her mommy," wrote Hayley.

"She is there for her always, she takes care of her, she plays with her, she teaches her life lessons and how she should behave, she gives her hugs and kisses goodnight, she does everything any mother would do.. But most of all she loves her like she is her own. It takes a very special woman to take a child that they didn't give birth to, under their wing and become their mother."

The post immediately went viral and was shared more than 20,000 times. It attracted dozens of comments, the vast majority applauding Hayley's stance. Many also suggested that if more separated parents adopted her attitude the world would be a better place. And I have to agree.

But Hayley also said that other women who don't feel the same way are being selfish. And that's where she lost me.

"I see so many women say 'I would never let my child call another woman mom or mommy, because she's NOT her mom I AM!'," she wrote.

Source: http://honey.nine.com.au/2017/08/22/15/43/mum-says-daughter-calls-step-mum-mummy-and-shes-good-with-that

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