Monday, 4 February 2019

6 Tips for Dating After Divorce

When the dust settles and your life gets back to normal after divorce, you will find yourself single and, eventually, likely having thoughts about dating. You may miss the companionship that a partner offers, and we all know that developing a new relationship means you'll have to start dating.

Try jumping back in with both feet, and you may find that dating isn’t like “riding a bike.” If it’s been a while since you have dated you are going to need to fine tune those old dating skills a bit.

Dating after divorce can be a daunting experience for some people.

How to Put The Fear Behind You And Enjoy Dating After Divorce

Here are tips on how to help you get back into the dating game and enjoy your newfound freedom.

Leave the Divorce Details at Home

Nothing is more unattractive than prattling on and on about the problems in your past relationship because you've not dealt with negative emotions. The subject of your divorce is bound to come up and when it does keep it brief and focus your attention on your date and having a good time in that moment. You can be open and honest with your date without spilling your guts or allowing your last relationship to define your dating relationships.

Be Yourself

Relax and let the real you shine. Dating is about getting to know the other person. Finding out if that person has traits we like and whether or not we care for a second date. Keep in mind that your date is probably anxious also and wanting to make a good impression.

Be yourself and encourage your date to do the same. Smiling and enjoying the moment is contagious and before you know it, you both will be at ease with the situation.

Remember, It’s a Date, Not a Therapy Session

If you’ve been through a divorce, especially after a long-term marriage then you have probably been to therapy.

Maybe you learned in therapy that your insecurities in relationships stem from the fact that you learned to avoid conflict as a child and that your mother is a narcissist. This might all be interesting to you but be assured; your date will only think you nuts if you share too much information. Keep it between yourself and your therapist.

Show Interest in Your Date

Pay attention to your date, get to know the person you are having dinner with. Ask questions and listening with genuine interest. Nothing is more flattering to another individual than knowing what they have to say matters. The more questions you ask, the more knowledge you will gain which will help in determining whether or not there will be a second date.

Don’t Get Too Serious Too Quickly

Date for the sake of dating. Give yourself the opportunity to meet new people and have some fun before looking for your next serious relationship. It will keep you from jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!

If you've always only dated a certain "type," this is your opportunity to give all "types" an opportunity. Don't box yourself in with self-imposed rules about height, weight, or profession. 
Get to know many types and you might find you enjoy broadening your horizons.

You Choose How the Date's Ending Goes

How the date ends is up to you. Whether to kiss at the end of the date or ask your date to sleep over is totally your call. Do what feels right for you and your date. At the end of the date if all you want is to flag down a taxi and head for home then you are free to make that choice. However it ends, remember to be courteous at the end of the night. We are all human and deserve respect no matter how the date goes.

The key to successful post-divorce dating is to have fun with it. You have to let go of the past and give yourself permission to be happy with life as it is and yourself. You are an attractive, worthy individual who deserves the attention and fun. Get out and enjoy yourself!


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